Monday 24 January 2011

The Meanest Mum?

So The Tweenager, who loves school, said this morning that he didn't feel well and could he please stay at home. He said this whilst tucking into his second pain-au-chocolat which he wanted to wash down with lemonade. I must say, I am not very sympathetic when it comes to my children being ill - unless I see actual physical evidence like streams of snot, sick, blood or broken bones.
"What's the matter, darling?" I said (annoyed).
"I feel very sick" he moaned.
"Well," I replied, "You seem to be tucking into your breakfast okay so I say until we see vomit there is school."
It's nearly half two and the school haven't called yet so I'm pretty certain he's fine. Sometimes my parental judgement is so spot on, especially when I've got a day planned drinking coffee with my mates.

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